A review by villianess
Ensnared by A.G. Howard


Alyssa is out of the asylum and with her Dad traveling back to rescue Morpheus, Jeb, and her Mom. First there is the train ride of forgotten memories that is crucial for Thomas. The only way for him to help save those he loves is to remember that he too is a part of Wonderland. During the trip Aly decides to capture Red's memories in the hopes they can be used to destroy her. They have to travel to the AnyElsewhere and just getting there is an adventure full of new people and some relatives Aly doesn't even know exist.
Once Morpheus and Jeb are found, Aly see that Jeb has become someone strange to her and not all of him is her old Jeb. He has found a magic of his own. Can Aly really trust anyone, and if so can she figure out who before it's too late to save those the loves, Wonderland, and get rid of Red once and for all?

The only complaint that I have is this. The ending I felt was rushed. It all wrapped up to nicely for all the turmoil that Wonderland and the characters were experiencing. However it is a great story.