A review by bodebeabay
Complete Me by J. Kenner


[b:Complete Me|17411703|Complete Me (Stark Trilogy, #3)|J. Kenner|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1363420378l/17411703._SY75_.jpg|23680376] (Stark Trilogy, #3) by [a:J. Kenner|6459302|J. Kenner|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1449167361p2/6459302.jpg] is an Adult Erotic Romance.
I have a few problems with this one. One is everything is written as Nikki's point of view, when most of the story is actually about Damien. It would be better if it had been written as his point of view. The next problem is Nikki herself. Her answer to everything is sex. A lot of the time she is way to focused on herself and obsessively avoiding reality. She comes off as severely mentally unbalanced. Page after page of Nikki using sex with Damien to avoid her fears slows down the story and takes away from the eroticism.
There is a good story here. A lot of suspense any mystery. Even though you are given clues throughout, the end of who is behind the different events comes as a bit of a surprise. If some sex scenes had been blue penciled out and used for the suspense, this would have been a much better read.
I didn't catch any editing errors and the writing is basically flawless. There are some truly beautiful sections in the story. I wish the author had written Nikki's character taking Damien's advice in the book;
“At the end of the day, it’s just you and me. We make our own reality, Nikki. And no one can take it from us.”
I really liked it, but I loved the first two books in the series.