A review by vondav
A Better Life by Kyle M. Scott


Jess and Curt are a couple in love, burdened with debt and mounting medical bills. Ex-brother in law and con Peter comes up with an idea. Kidnap a little girl, demand money and become debt free. Easy
With only a handful of characters, you get to know each one in depth. Jess is a sweet natured woman who had a hard life. Let down by everyone around and with a deadly illness, she finally find happiness with Curt. Curt is a mechanic, who always tries to do the best for everyone, so when Peter came up with plan, he knew that this could be the end of their problems. Peter is an ex-con out for number one, he doesn’t care who he wrongs. Lisa, Curt’s sister and Peter’s ex wife, is the motherly figure, and the star of the show young Emily, the child they are going to kidnap, quiet and serene who let nothing faze her.
The author has a way of letting your imagination go into overdrive. When Emily’s secret is revealed the descriptive scenes makes the terror real. This story start off at a slow pace and you are introduced to the characters and how they have come about their actions, but as soon as they get to the abandoned house, the pace quickens as all hell breaks loose. As a mom, there were times that I felt sorry for Emily as she just wanted someone to love her for what she was and in times of fear to give her a cuddle. As I finished this book I could not decide who had wrong who and even whilst I write this review I am still thinking about what sweet Emily is doing. Carrying on after the story is the authors notes on why he wrote this story, and I found it interesting reading about his ideas and why he ended it as he did.
This will please horror lovers whether they like graphic or psychological