A review by sandreea
Always a Bridesmaid by Cindi Madsen


2.5 stars

I never want to read a story about a wedding for the rest of the year. I have very mixed feelings about this book that can just be resumed as a difference in points of view. That is the only civil way I can put it.
What I liked:
-The cute doggos. The irony here is that I don't even like dogs that much, but they were still much better than the characters themselves.
-The writing style.
-Maisy and Lexi.

What I didn't like:
-You know what you do if your boyfriend of 10 fucking years doesn't marry you even if he told you he would? You fucking dump him. If your boyfriend chips away at your confidence for 10 fucking years, you dump him. God, allo people are so frustrating.
-Some sweet slut shaming in the beginning of the book.
-Violet. In the beginning I didn't like her-she almost burnt down her sister's bakery because she couldn't bother to pay attention to what she was doing, then she goes to set fire to her wedding binder. Then I kind of started to like her, but then the ending happened and... I could rant for days about how you shouldn't forgive someone just because they give you some flowers and tell you they love you. I guess for some women a little effort, a few flowers, and an almost apology-but-not-really topped with an I-love-you speech is enough to win them back. Can't relate.
-Which brings me to... whatever the fuck was supposed to be the last bit of the book. I guess for Easton his duty for his buddy trumps what is a gross abuse of his power as a cop over a vulnerable civilian. Report his fucking ass. I see that the truth about american cops abusing their power is alive and well even in the romance genre.
-Almost fucking in the mud. Nasty af.
-The apology- if you can call it that. The amount of groveling done in this book is abysmal.
-Ford. I guess he'd be cute if he went to therapy for a few years and got his shit together. Otherwise the dude is an asshole most of the time with a few shining moments that are not enough to redeem him in my eyes.

I don't want to say that it was a waste of my time-after all it reinforced the idea of what not to do if I ever want to try being in a relationship- but it did felt like one. Peace out✌