A review by madags
The Short Victorious War by David Weber


We get to learn more about Pavel Young and his history with Honor. He really is the epitome of a douche-canoe. Cowardly, envious, wanton, salacious, and self-entitled Pavel Young enjoys the dubitable honor of being a poster boy for sins. Oh and spoiler alert: His rich dad is a prominent member of the Conservative party, big surprise there. The Youngs couldn’t be more cookie-cutter as your typical capitalist fat cats who are convinced they can get away with murder if they just grease the right palms and damn near always do too. So it’s interesting to have someone like that on the side of the “angels” while the Havenites are about to find out what too much of that very sort of people in charge inevitably leads to.

A good story must have you recognize that there is no such thing as “The Good Guys” or their bad counterparts. It’s just people. They may trend toward differing politics or beliefs but you can always find scumbags in even the outwardly most humane groups and the opposite will also hold true. And that’s something else that Weber revisits often to remind us. Generalizations will lead you astray.

Read the full review on my blog: https://weemadaggie.wordpress.com/2017/02/07/honorverse-a-short-victorious-war-by-david-weber/