A review by kerrithebookbelle
Sweetly by Jackson Pearce


i loved the characters. the relationship btwn gretchen and ansel wasnt as good as btwn rosie and scarlett, but i loved them nonetheless. sophia was great and i loved loved loved the mystery behind her. and samuel...well, i fell in love with him even more than i did with silas. samuel all the way for me :) characters: A+
the mystery was fantastic! i loved the 'is she/isnt she' that surrounded sophia the entire time, and everything about the festival was great. the action sequences were awesome, and the end was fantastic! plot: A+
and the romance, of course. personally, i prefered this romance more than in sisters red, because it was much slower. sisters red's seemed to happen way to quickly, but sweetly's was the perfect pace. and i just like samuel's tough-on-the-outside-but-sweet-on-the-inside character. romance: A+
GO READ THIS BOOK! but i would suggest reading sisters red first, because there are ties and some crossover stuff, and sisters red explains it all much better than sweetly. you'll understand it a lot better if you read sisters red first. but i probably like this one just a SMIDGEN more than sisters red.