A review by book_concierge
La Malinche by Laura Esquivel


Book on CD performed by Maria Conchita Alonso

Malinalli was a Native woman from Tabasco, who was given as a slave to the conquering Spaniards. Her ability to speak Spanish as well as two native languages – Mayan and Nahuatl – brought her to the attention of Hernán Cortés, and eventually she became his mistress and bore him a son. For centuries, she has been reviled as a traitor for her role in helping the Spaniards conquer the Aztec empire, but more recent research has pointed to a more complex reality.

In this lyrical, poetic novel, Esquivel gives us a strong woman with deeply held beliefs who wanted to free her people. Believing that Cortés was a reincarnation of the God Quetzalcoatl, she agreed to help him speak with Montezuma. She could not possibly have known the consequences, and she realized her mistake far too late.

I love Esquivel’s writing. Her imagery is vivid and tangible. She gives equal attention to scenes of a happy childhood or vibrant festivities, as well as to scenes of destruction or death. I felt the heat and humidity, heard the cacophony of a busy marketplace, smelled the stench of a battlefield, tasted the tropical fruits and delicacies of a royal feast.

This is a decidedly Mexican novel. Esquivel infuses the story with magical realism, mysticism, and spirituality. It reminds me of the oral story traditions of my grandparents. And yet, her Malinalli is a real woman, with conflicting desires; a woman who loves or hates, feels pain and joy, and does her best to survive with her dignity and integrity intact.

Maria Conchita Alonso deserves five stars for her performance of the audiobook. She made me think of summer evenings spent sitting in the dark on my grandmother’s porch hearing stories of the old days and legends of conquest or victory.