A review by lyricat
Loveless, Volume 13 by Yun Kouga


If I could describe my experience with Loveless in three words, it would be "confused and uncomfortable". Apparently the series is meant to end at 15 volumes (though the 13th was the last volume released and that was in 2017... ) which partially explains why ALL THE PLOT HOOKS still remain unanswered.

I honestly couldn't tell you what Loveless is about. There is the concept of "fighter pairs", connected through a shared name, where one partner is the "sacrifice" who takes the damage and the other partner is the "fighter" who deals the damage through spells. How the magic system works and how people become part of these pairs, I couldn't tell you BECAUSE IT'S NEVER EXPLAINED despite being a huge portion of the world/plot.

The main character (and a large portion of the main cast) are children around the age of 11 and under, and there's no reason for it. The implied romantic relation between Ritsuka (an elementary school student) and Soubi (a college student) made me so uncomfortable!! The cast could have been aged up to adulthood without effecting the story, so the decision to make them children is just???

Also, in this world, people are born with cat ears and a tail, which they lose when they lose their virginity. Why????? What's the reason to make this a thing????

Overall, give this series a hard PASS. The story makes no sense at all, the worldbuilding is vague and leaves you more confused than anything, the relationships depicted will make you uncomfortable, and the characters have as much personality as wet cardboard.

The only positive thing I can say about Loveless is that the art is really nice.