A review by robin_is_me
Three Christmas Wishes by Sheila Roberts


By the time I was about a third of the way into this novel, I already knew I needed to hunt down the author’s back list. This is my first time reading this author, and I truly enjoyed every minute. It’s three romances rolled into one book, but more than that it’s a wonderful story of friendship and family.

Each of the three protagonists are facing a crisis. Riley’s fiance breaks up with her, three weeks before their wedding, to be with her friend and coworker Emily, with whom he’s been having an affair. Noel’s landlady announces that she’s selling the house Noel lives in, and which Noel desperately wants to buy but cannot quite afford. Riley’s sister, Jo, is about to give birth to her first child, and is bitter and resentful that her husband is deployed with the Navy and already planning to re-up, which will leave her raising their child alone. 

The women are all believable, likable and distinctive characters, and all of the supporting characters are richly drawn, even the ones who only make two or three appearances. The POV narrative shifts seamlessly between the three women, and the only thing that could’ve made the book better would be getting the POV of Jo’s husband and the men who come into Riley and Noel’s lives. 

THREE CHRISTMAS WISHES is an emotional and engaging story, and as satisfying as the ending was, I was still left wanting more.