A review by josiahdegraaf
Holy Baptism: Word Keys Which Unlock The Covenant by Duane E. Spencer


I admit that I was a bit skeptical when I read the premise of the book. Could you really prove that sprinkling was the only proper mode of baptism? Given how many times immersion seemed to be practiced in the New Testament, I wasn't sure that this was a provable thesis. However, through the course of the book, Spencer did a magnificent job of convincing me of his thesis. By utilizing lots of biblical and historical context to support his points, Spencer gave a very thorough look at the topic. In the end, I wasn't completely convinced that immersion was wrong, since some of his explanations seemed stretched. However, he definitely convinced me that sprinkling was the more biblically correct mode of baptism. Great book for anyone looking to study this topic.

4 stars. (Very Good)