A review by lindsical
Other Worlds by Rick Riordan, Jon Scieszka


Well I learned one thing from reading this collection of sci-fi stories... I am not a big fan of science fiction work!

The stories were probably very good and I can appreciate them for their ideas and the writing (on a junior level at least), so that's why I rated it as high as 3 stars, even though I probably won't ever go back through and read these again.

Scratch that, I probably will read The Singer of Apollo again because I'm hopeless Percy Jackson trash.

Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo received 3 stars from me

Individual Review: Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo was a fun, super short story of Riordan's. I felt like it wasn't as long as a few of his other short stories and wished for more after it was over!

Short and simple, I enjoyed it but I don't feel like it was one of his best. A little cheesy and too simplistic. However, I love Percy Jackson and I'm biased!

But Percy and Grover birthday shenanigan's mixed in with a quest from the god, Apollo, will surely brighten any Percy Jackson fan's day!

Other Reviews:
My favorite story was The Scout by DJ McHale. He's an excellent author and I already loved his Pendragon series, so I had higher expectations for his short story and he delivered. It was fast paced and riveting. I loved the twist at the end as well.

My least favorite was definitely Frost and Fire by non other than Ray Bradbury himself. I wish that hadn't been the case, because I know what a talented and classic writer Bradbury is, however, maybe I'm just not one for his style. It was too out there for me and I actually had a hard time following.

I enjoyed Bouncing the Grinning Goat (although that one seemed more fantasy based to me), the Warlords of Recess, and Plan B. They were quick and fun.

I was severely creeped out by The Klack Bros. Museum because I'm a big baby and I wished I hadn't read that at night. And I was extremely disturbed by The Dirt on Our Shoes. That one left a horrible taste in my mouth, not to mention I found it far fetched and ridiculous.

Soooo, all in all, no more science fiction for this little bookworm!