A review by pretty_little_bibliophile
Marvel Novels - Who Is The Black Panther? by Jesse J. Holland


Title: Black Panther
Author: Jesse J. Holland
Publisher: Titan Books, Bloomsbury
Genre: Fantasy
Format: Paperback
Language: English

My review:
I received a review copy from the publishers in return for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
I had very high expectations from this book honestly. And perhaps that is the reason why I was so very excited to pick it up. The book is very different from the movie and as such if you have watched the movie beforehand, it will probably also be a nice read.
We see T’Challa as having developed into this assertive man who is a just king. His relations with his mother and sister is amazing. Throughout the book, the author has placed in past events through reminiscences made by the characters and it is refreshing to get this perspective into the inner lives. Shuri’s story is especially an interesting one as we get her vies into various traditions of Wakanda and her feelings regarding them. It also portrays her brother as a real man and not just as a divine king. However, I did not particularly like the mother – I think sh way too obsessed with her son.
Klaw, on the other hand, was an interesting character – both as a villain and as a man with a vengeance. The glimpse offered into the ‘villains'’ lives in this book was very interesting and their backstories and interrelationships were very interesting as well!

However, I was not very interested in this book. I felt that it dragged for a bit to be honest and I am not sure if I will ever pick it up again, at this point. In the last bit especially, I had to drag myself to turn the pages one after the other. I just had no wish to continue reading this book. However, I do think that I will pick up this book and see if I will like it someday.

This was an okay read. I rate it 3/5 stars.