A review by amoralynn
Bombshell by Jen Frederick


Possible spoilers. Listened to on Read me Romance podcast.

I really liked the idea of this story, and I like the authors style. The characters are interesting, though I'd have lived more with May There were a few things that didn't grab my fancy and pulled me out of the story. I'm not a mom, but I've been around enough children to recognize the issues with the way Anna, a 3 month old baby, was written. Things like her recognizing the word dad, or trying to eat grapes, but especially Jack tossing her up in the air. The baby was written as a toddler rather than an infant. I was a little disappointed by how quickly Kate and Jack end up back together but it's a short romance so that's just me and not a problem with the story.
The thing that pulled me out of the story the most though was the way the narrator extended some words. I know I shouldn't hold this against the story but it just sounded strange.