A review by lilyn_g
Bonesy by Mark Rigney


Bonesy is the most interesting, least scary haunted item/haunter thing that I’ve ever read
about. In a way it was actually a detractor from the story, because the mere idea was so funny (after I looked up what a brass rubbing was), that I couldn’t really take it seriously. Now, this book is written in a lighthearted fashion, so that’s to be expected to a certain degree. But, still… it wavered on the edge a few times.

Now, there were some awesome lines in this book that popped out at me so unexpectedly that I couldn’t help but laugh and admire them for their timing.

“…but they were the ones trapped inside with a killer midget skeleton,”

But right then, in that fogbound sunrise kitchen, with one of Bonesy’s eyeballs starin’ at me from the tile, I said to hell with it, and I got hold of Renner and I stood him on his feet and I gave that little runt the hug of his godd**** life.

“If a miracle rose up and bit you in the ass, you’d say you sat on a tack.” – Mark Rigney, Bonesy

Rigney does an excellent job for the most part with spinning a tale at fairly quick pace but it does occasionally hit a too-slow patch (generally when Quist is having his moment in the sun). Bonesy was an enjoyable read, with not just an interesting possessed piece, but offbeat characters that definitely appealed. I wouldn’t say that his characters are believable, persay, but they are odd enough that they keep your attention handily. One of them reminded me solidly of Badger from Firefly, from the top of his bowler to the bottom of his thick accent and cocky attitude.

Taking place over a fairly short period of time, Bonesy has the feel of a supernatural roller-coaster ride. One that, when you get off of it, you’re not entirely sure you liked it, but you have to admit there was definite talent in the making of it. The one thing I have to note is that even though this is a fairly short book at 255 pages, it read like a much longer one, so it took me a while to get through it.

Overall, if you want a bit of fun wrapped up in a supernatural mystery, you wouldn’t be amiss to check out this 4th book in the Renner and Quist adventures series. Also, I will note that even though this is part of a series, it stood alone perfectly fine. Rigney gives you all the information you need, while enticing you to check out the other books with the perfect little teasers.

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Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for review consideration.