A review by tanyad74
Hot Blooded: A Dark Kings Novel by Donna Grant


We are back in the world of the dragons and I couldn't be more excited! Laith is the cool bar owner for the Kings and he is one of my favorites. There is just something about a hot guy who runs a bar. I don't know what it is, but that just appealed to me. His resistance to be pulled into the whole plan to help Iona is understandable. He feels the heat and he doesn't want to get pulled into the whole mate thing like the other Kings. But Iona is showing a preference to him and Con is pushing more and more for him to be the one to introduce her to their world.

Iona is struggling enough dealing with all her family beliefs crumbling around her, and the news of her obligation to the dragons could be the thing that totally breaks the camel's back.

As with the other females of this series, Iona proves to be a lot stronger and more capable than these dragons give them credit for. Iona holds up pretty damn well considering all the news that just keeps coming at her from the time she reaches Scotland. When the shit starts to hit the fan and the dragons finally see what they are up against, they will call on their allies for help. This part always confuses me a bit. The author once again pulls in characters from her other series, and I'm not really familiar with all their abilities and the relationships they all have.

One of the dragon kings is headed into a bad position. His storyline was started in Burning Desire and progresses through Hot Blooded. His story is next and after all he has been suffering through, I can't wait to see how he comes out at the end of this.

Another character I was dying to know more about makes an appearance, and the difference in this person, and what they are struggling with just mystifies me. I can't wait to see what direction that person is going to go!

The lines are being set. I'm excited for the next story, not only for our main couple, but to see the development of my favorite side characters as well.

This book was read in the four part serial format.

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict