A review by mubeenirfan
The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories by Jared Shurin, Mahvesh Murad


There are some books you get because of their title. Stories about Djinn? Why would I not want to read them!

Since it is a collection of stories so there is bound to be a mix of good & average stories with an occasional masterpiece. For me the story by Sami Shah was plain brilliant being set in Pakistan under setting of drone warfare in Pakistan's northern region. A few other good ones were about Suleiman the magnificent's beloved wife Hurram Sultan whom I know about through a soap opera from a couple of years ago. Kamila Shamsie's story is in it too which is about the love between twin boys one of whom is a djinn. Neil Gaiman has also included a story about a djinn who does not grant wishes and is toiling in labor in NYC. In addition to these there are a few stories set in fictional futuristic lands and some set in fantasy lands. Have to mention here that I have never liked fantasy, futuristic or sci-fi fiction.

There are a couple of stories I did not get at all and would say they were badly written but an argument can be made that I do not possess this kind of literature appreciation skills. Overall 3 stars because there are a few stories (mentioned earlier) which definitely warrant a reading.

PS. There is no horror element in any of the story so fans of horror fiction should avoid.