A review by roxcollector
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 6 by Robert Venditti


Synopsis: The Green Lantern Corps encounter Zod and his family on the planet Jekuul. Hal and Kyle engage them without the Guardians' permission, because the Guardians, of course, want to take a super long time to discuss the issue. The Guardians intervene on Jekuul and tell the Lanterns to go home, which they reluctantly do. During this whole thing, at one point Hal and Kyle lost their rings and got them back, but Zod did get something from the rings. At the end, Zod tells Ursa and Lor that he downloaded all the statistics for all sectors in the universe.

Review: Didn't care for this one. It felt like a filler arc that didn't really have any consequences and only affirmed what everyone knew: the Guardians being back sucks. I was so annoyed when they were like "oh, we need to convene about this first." Fuck you. Even with Ganthet and Sayd with them, they're still assholes and I have yet to see how this arrangement is different from before. Why should they be allowed to veto John's orders? He's been leading the Corps just fine without them. Whatever.

It's action packed and pretty to look at, but there's not much substance there. Hal does some impressive shit yet again, which I love, so 2 stars.