A review by katesmash
The A to Z of You and Me by James Hannah


Full Disclosure: I received this book through NetGalley, to read and review, before publication. However the book was published before I finished reading it.

This book was a rollercoaster of emotions. Ups and downs. Highs and lows. Just like real life. Ivo is a 40 year old diabetic who hasn't made the best choices in life. You know early on in the book that something significant happened to/with his girlfriend, but you don't know until the end what that something was. It kept me engaged in the book all the way through.

The style of writing of this book, little mini stories of the past based on the game Ivo is playing at the suggestion of his nurse, the A-Z game, mixed in with "present day" Ivo's story, is unique and one I really enjoyed.