A review by idgetfay
This Cruel Design by Emily Suvada


Augh. 3.5 stars. I was super impressed with the first book and this one came along and... lost some of the magic I guess. It’s still fast-paced and wild for sure, after a certain point I couldn’t put it down, but some of the twists seemed thrown in there just for the sake of a twist, and I saw a lot of them coming. I praised the first book for making sense within its own structure and this one, well, hard telling because it just seemed convoluted. I wasn’t sure what was real or not or what was happening exactly. I mean, I got the point more or less, but a lot of the ‘how’ just stopped being explained basically because this is a crazy world and anything can happen! I don’t know... I’m struggling to put into words just exactly why this didn’t do it for me quite like the first one did. I’m hoping everything comes together in the third one, although I’ll likely have forgotten these first two by the time it comes out.