A review by mariam27
Axios: A Spartan Tale by Jaclyn Osborn


How do I write a review of this book? How do I explain what I felt with every page and each word that spoke from our characters? How do I describe the happiness I felt, the joy, and the downright pain I felt reading the last words of this book?

“For as long as there is breath in my lungs, I will love you. Only you. And even when I leave this world, I will still belong to you, for my soul will forever seek yours. In both this life and the next.

I think this story was beautiful but also heartbreaking watching Axios and Eryx grow older and the weariness of world, the life of a Spartan warrior drag their shoulders. It broke my heart watching them grow and how different they were from the precious years of youth. It was in its own accuracy, the truth of the unfairness of it all, that time was cruel to all, and no one no matter how great escaped it's claws. It was watching them grow older and toughen up that hurt the most, it was seeing them GROW UP from their innocent hearts that broke my heart.

And yet through the passage of time, a small bubble that cruelty of the world did not touch was the love Axios and Eryx had for each other. It was timeless and passionate, soul-deep and endless. It grew as they got older and intensified as the years progressed.

And I was in awe.

“There is no greater happiness than having you by my side.”

It reminds me of the simple things I seek in life.

Their love reminded me of the simple things in life I gloss over. It makes me appreciate and nauseate at the wealth of our generation.

This book felt 500 pages long and yet still not enough. I am not a history major and my knowledge of Spartan history is very little yet I praise and appluase at the historical aspect of this book. It might be naive of me but I wish to believe that historical value of this book, was indeed accurate as well.

I think Axios might have been everyone's delight and favorite, but I felt my heart sing with Eryx's appearance, absolutely curdled by his pain and downright joy at reading his bliss. And yet I feel like I still know barely anything about him, I mean I can read his tells, the look he gets in his eyes, the crease in his brows, the frowns in his eyes, I mean I can guess as much as I want to but can never fully confirm it. And yet, ever as the beautiful mystery he was, he was the light in this beautiful novel. My strong, courageous warrior.

I saw him as a god, a man to be feared by all, but one I loved above all others.

Which is why I'm excited to read HIS POV, HIS DECLARATION for their journey and story even though it actually petrified me like the fucking boogey man, knowing I'll have to go through this book one more time again.

The passage of time had touched many things, but it had not changed his beauty. If anything, it had only enhanced it.

This book and the memories that i felt as if I shared it with Axios and Eryx remains, honestly, a sacred place in my heart. I look back at this book and think of our great warriors with so much fondness, because throughout all the pain, and death, and cold nights and cruel scars left behind, through all the desperation and longing our warriors felt and battled with, throughout war they found and had each other, they found love and shared that love, nurtured and cherished it until the final moments of this book.

It was without a doubt, maddeningly beautiful.

[ For clarification, I rated this 4.5 ⭐ and the way to it is 100 and 10% spoiler filled. ]

❌❌❌❌❌❌ WARNING.
SPOILERS AHEAD ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
❌❌❌❌DO NOT READ if you have read the book, you'll regret it, I promise. ❌❌❌❌

I felt betrayed, disgusted and horrified at every second of the King Agig whatever. I'm sure he was a great man in real life but in this book? Go find your own damn Axious mate! He's of Eyrx!
I felt disgusted because that stupid, even if Axios didn't move, HE LET HIM KISS HIM and for what? FOR THEIR FIRST FUCKING ARGUMENT. The first time they fought, the first time doubt was crossed, the first time conflict exchanged, yeah he was fucking hurt, but he dared to go into the embrace of another face and yearn for them? How dare he and how dare he do that to Eyrx? And ugk, don't get me started on the first thing he said afterward. I nearly threw my phone at a wall. That's the stupidest I ever heard. I was proud as fuck when Eryx threw him down.
Ugk, I'm mad at Axios because I FELT BETRAYED. Of all people and of all lovers, it was him who cherished the ground Eyrx walked on, and loved him inways unbestowed to their time that ripped my chest. I felt nauseated and violated and if this is what it feels like being cheated, I feel sorry for having loved cheating romance before.
And what I was mad even more was why Axios did it. IT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE. He said and I fucking quote, that the King called him Extraordinary and that was the first time someone had ever said that to them.
What the fuck do you think Eryx thinks of you as? A PIECE OF FUCKING WARM HOLE?
Eryx, in his own stubborn, prideful and confident ways, adored - loved - cherished and - protected Axios. It was him who teached and pushed Axios to be strong. He pushed the hardest of all of their mentors, Eryx pushed him at his moral dilemmas. He pushed him because if Eryx didn't, he knew Axios wouldn't survive the life of what a Spartan entailed. Yet no matter how strong he wished and pushed Axios to be, he cherished Axios' mind and his heart and his love of adventure, of the stars and the questions he seek and the knowledge he wishes to engulf.
There was never a heartbeat where it didn't echo of Axios in Eryx's soul.
So HOW DARE Axios belittle my warrior of the incredible love Eyrx beholds with him. Absolutely unbelievable.

And I let go of it okay. I ignored it and my mindset was: it happened already so I can't fucking do anything over it. I threw it to the back of mind and regrew my appreciation for him.

But God fucking DAMN IT. Really? When they met again, Axios heart flutters??? No. No. I feel disgusted as I type that and y'know, it was nice he was with the man until death BUT NO. how dare he regret that night he parted with him after that kiss. He dare he wish to know him better. Fuck that and fuck this entire plot. That's why I can't give this a full 5 star and I can't put this on my favorite list.

After that VERY passionate RANT that I -when I reread it- feel like: damn, who was she? take a chill pill woman.
Here's to my complete 180 of my entire rant lol.
I hate sad endings, sad endings have no place on this world. The world is already miserable enough.

But Axios and Eryx's ending was sad and my I cried with my whole body shaking, with my heart absolutely anguish. But the thing is... My heart didn't break at their ending. It didn't shatter. Because Axios and Eryx's ending was beautiful. It was them, as they've always been, from where they've started to where they ended, together with their heart and soul.

I felt silly typing this, but I couldn't help but say my very own love letter to Axios and Eryx for it felt like an ode to the stars.

To Axios and Eryx,
To your next life, for Axios may your dreams of that ordinary house by the seashore and a life full of adventure come true, and Eyrx, may you never falter in your bravery and begin a newfound purpose, together.

“When you are near, it’s as if my soul reaches out to touch yours,” he spoke, moving his fingers along my jaw and staring at me with a look that made my stomach flutter. “To reconnect with a missing piece. And when we part, I leave that piece with you.”