A review by theresidentbookworm
Mockingbird #4 by Kate Niemczyk, Joëlle Jones, Chelsea Cain


10 Things I Loved About Mockingbird #4

1. For once, I'm not going to start with the story but the art work. Kate Niemczyk's work in this issue is particularly fantastic. I love the whole look of the series, but this book is just stunning. Bobbi has never looked cooler than in the first panels of this issue. Also, the coloring by Rachelle Rosenberg is amazing!

2. This issue ties back to what's wrong with Bobbi. The virus that's inside her is killing animals across species, but she's still alive. I loved issues #2 and #3, but it's nice to come back to the main plot of the series.

3. This underwater hideout is ridiculous. Also, the henchman? Total idiots. And Bobbi knows it too. "Suggestion: when you find an intruder, it might be a good idea to raise the alarm."

4. "The dissection of Hawkeye will begin in ten minutes. All necessary personnel please report to the medical lab." Clint! Clint appearance! Also, what the hell Clint? How do you get yourself in these situations?

5. The fact that Bobbi inoculated Clint with an experimental neurotoxin during their marriage. Also, the flashback to their marriage counseling? Perfect.

6. The chemistry between Bobbi and Clint. I have conflicting feelings about this because I do love me my Lance Hunter, but Hunter isn't here right now. Also, I do appreciate the artistic choices made by the ladies of this comic to never have the men dressed in anything more than boxers. Good call!

7. Bobbi is still on Clint's credit card? Clint never took her off? Also, the fact that she checks that regularly along with his email.

8. Actual romantic moment alert! Alert! "I'm an organ donor. I filled out the paperwork years ago. Though it's not legally binding, it states my wishes. And the decision still comes down to next of kin. You're my next of kin, Clint. Can I count on you?" "To make sure your organs get donated after we drown?" "No. To make sure they don't." "Bobbi, where's the second tank?" "Do you trust me?" "Not at all."

9. Bobbi's total fearlessness and willing to do whatever it takes to learn about the virus: "I had to know... how strong the virus was. How much it wanted to live."

10. Hawkbird kiss.. Hawkeye bird kiss... Also, Bobbi outsmarting Clint and paralyzing him with a neurotoxin because she has business to take care of.

This issue is so good, and it has shirtless, pant-less Clint Barton. There really isn't anything else I need to say. Recommended!