A review by laureenreads
Transferral by Kate Blair


I didn't mean to read this book when I did. I picked it up from my desk and started reading the first page. Just to gauge whether I wanted to read it on Christmas Day, you see. Except that first page turned into the first chapter, which turned into the next three chapters. By the time Christmas Dinner had started I'd managed to read this entire book in stolen snatches of time from my hectic Christmas Day. I don't regret it. This was a fantastic book.

The basic premise of transferral of illness to criminals is one I had never heard of before, making it unique as well as entertaining. I've read many dystopian stories, and this one is chilling in how easily it makes sense that this would happen. As a mother, I would often give anything to take on the illness of my children when they're sick. Take that to an extreme level where that illness could be given to someone who had broken the law... I could see something like that happening if we had the technology.

Kate Blair exposes the other side of that kind of technology, the side where criminals suffer much more than they should have, where there is no treatment for the ill because there is this idea that they deserve it. It's a terrifying alternate universe. I don't want to say too much more for fear of giving away the book, but this is definitely one you should give a chance to.