A review by ameserole
The Boss by Abigail Owen


I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Boss was a great starter to the Fire's Edge series. In it, you will meet Delaney and Finn. Delaney has moved a couple of times trying to get away from her past.. yet it somehow always catches up to her. Then there's Finn who is a dragon shifter and the boss of a group of dragons. If you knew them, you'd think they are apart of a firefighter's department..but if you really knew them, you'd know they are dragons.

When Finn and Delaney meet, it's because of random fire. Now Delaney has black out moments where she doesn't know how she got some where but there always seems to be fire around. Enter Finn who yells at her for standing in the middle of a barn that's on fire..

From that first moment, I loved them together. However, both had a past that they had to overcome. They could only lean on each other to make their future better. Their chemistry and sexual tension was so freaking good as well. When they started to act on their feelings - damn, was it good.

The villain in this book was good because he was crazy and obsessive. I liked the little fight scene that I got as well - however, the ending was the best part. I need to know who the new villain is and why they are going after Delaney's coworker/boss Sera. I need the next book ASAP!