A review by jamielynnlano
My Japanese Husband Thinks I'm Crazy: The Comic Book: Surviving and thriving in an intercultural and interracial marriage in Tokyo by Grace Buchele Mineta


Nfu nfu nfu nfu nfu!

I surprised myself one evening by discovering Grace's blog and wandering through ALL of the comics in one go. Our circumstances are so different: she's married, I'm forever single. She came to Japan to be with someone, I came to Japan to work. She knew (some) Japanese before she went, I knew nothing. She was from Texas, I was from Washington (they're quite different!). She'd never been distant from her family, I'd been living far from mine for years. (We both love anime/manga, though, and what more do you really need?)

All of that said, I was surprised by just how many of the feelings that she'd written about were the same as what I'd experienced living in Japan, both good and bad. We had a lot more in common than I'd thought at first glance. A lot lot.

Somewhere along the way, too, Grace and Ryosuke went from strangers in a sort-of-similar-ish situation to people that I was genuinely and excitedly interested in. I am absolutely sure that I'll read this book over and over again until it falls apart. Grace, keep writing comics forever! You have a big fan here!