A review by rallly
Parasite by Mira Grant


Read this book if you’re looking for something kind of silly and not that deep, enjoy body horror, and like zombie-types.

Don’t read this book if you get frustrated with a slow-on-the-uptake main character, are looking for a serious/hard medical thriller, and aren’t interested in engaging in some healthy suspension of disbelief.

I enjoyed the main character’s strained relationship with a family she doesn’t remember, as well as the love of dogs in the book (none of them are harmed).

The romantic relationship gets…questionable, but it’s a campy novel and not set up to please a creepy male audience so it isn’t a huge deal to me.

I read this book quickly in a few days because it was so absurd that I was interested in where it was going to go. I enjoyed it for what it was, but I won’t be finishing the series because I feel that I got what I wanted out of it.