A review by christie_seiler
If Ever I Fall by Sonya Loveday


I love the Six series, but I didn't enjoy this story as much.

The two narrators in this novel, bouncing between Aiden and Airen was different than in the books prior, so I wasn't expecting it. I had to get my mind around who's point of view I was reading from in every chapter. The huge downside of this, was the character names! They were so similar - Aiden & Airen have only 1 letter difference- it was a bit odd to me and I had to pay careful attention to the names of both of these main characters. Three me off at some points if I wasn't paying attention or picked up in the middle of a chapter. I guess this novel is just to be read in one sitting haha.

To be picky as well, I didn't like the Scottish language included. As a person who is not Scottish, I had to look up a few of the catch phrases just to make sure I was understanding what the characters were saying. "Ya Ken" was one of the ones I struggled with.

Overall I enjoyed the story of Aiden and Airen. It was mysterious, there was sexual tension and action filled. The back and forth of the narrators disrupted the fluidity of the story, but it did assist in truly understanding the feelings of both characters.

I can't wait to read the story of Mark and Paige- it's going to be a good one!