A review by jtwolf33
1049 Club by Kim Pritekel


If you can get beyond the first 100 pages then it is well worth it. I almost stopped reading about 80 pages in but I’m really glad I didn’t. There’s a few editing errors and the author has an odd preoccupation with the colour of people’s eyes which is a bit grating at times, but the story itself is wonderful. I was worried about the stereotypes introduced in the first chapter but it was a heartwarming story of love and life that I couldn’t put down in the end!

My Recommendation:
If you like a slow-burn romance then this is a great choice for you. This is also a great book for challenging stereotypes and expectations, as people are not what they always seem and there is a large amount of character development that happens throughout the events of the story.

Not For Everyone:
Honestly, if you're not a fan of LGBT books then I would suggest avoiding this book where possible. There are plenty of other characters and it's not a necessarily "gay" story, but there are gay characters and gay story lines in it. If you're interested in changing your perception on books that feature LGBT characters then you may still enjoy this, but be warned. Arguably 1049 Club is largely a romance novel, yes, there is an element of survival but it's more to do with the emotional response to their situation than physical. So if you're looking for a survival/action story, I'd suggest going elsewhere.

To The Author:
Why all the eyes? Every interaction is punctuated with a comment on the colour of someone's eyes. It's a little odd at times and really out of place in others. Especially when they're across the room from each other. And did you mean to choose such stereotypical characters to challenge these views or was it more about establishing a cross-section of society?

If You've Never Read The Book And Want To Say You Have:
Sometimes it's the two people in love that take the longest to realise it. And make sure you always pack your berry basher in your suitcase, you never know when you might need it.

Academic Prompts:
How expectations are shaped by the society in which we live.
The concept of a holiday romance mentality in a monogamous relationship.