A review by wordswoods
Starstruck by S.E. Anderson


I got an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Starstruck is a science fiction novel about teleporting aliens.
We follow Sally, a woman who loses her job. When an alien appears in front of her car, Sally's life is thrown off. Bored and depressed, she welcomes the diversion, but trying to accommodate this alien as she tries to get back into 'normal' life seems to be a bit harder.

This story's a whirlwind of events, building slow at first but diving into the action in the last quarter of the book. Through the communication with this alien she meets, Sally finds out that a lot more is going on at her new job, there is more to the universe than just our human mission to mars and she tries to make sense of it all while dating and seeing her best friend.

This was a fun, fast read, although I kind of lost track of events in the end, because so much was happening all at once! I definitely recommend this if you're looking for a quick, fun science fiction read :)