A review by divapitbull
Dead Sky Morning by Karina Halle


I’m embarrassed to admit how much I enjoyed Dead Sky Morning, but the fact is; towards the end I wanted to know what was going to happen and I couldn’t put it down. Granted it was like a bad B movie that would have been right at home on the Creature Double Features of my childhood – but it was actually fairly atmospheric and a little bit genuinely creepy! This time out Perry and Dex are filming an Experiment in Terror episode on a deserted island off the coast of British Columbia. D’Arcy Island or The Island of Death – as it is affectionately monikered; was a dumping ground, excuse me – “remote colony” for Chinese lepers at the turn of the century. While the island isn’t very far off shore, rip tides make it fairly unreachable – hard to get on, hard to get off – the perfect place to dump people you plan to have die there. Rumor has it the island is haunted. Campers that have been on the island were plagued by “strange occurrences” and most don’t stay overnight. Naturally Dex and Perry are planning a weekend Sojourn.

I enjoyed the story despite that I am not liking either Perry or Dex as individuals any better – and thus really have no investment in their eventual relationship; other than strictly for “Oh look! A train wreck” entertainment. I’m actually cutting Perry a little more slack because she is young (by today’s standards). She’s just turning 23 – which I juxtapose to my personal experience of 23 - which involved being fully independent, married, working full time and self-sufficient; so, I really can’t respect her when in response to a disagreement with her parents she seriously contemplates “systematically trashing her bedroom and putting a hole in the wall”. Nothing says “treat me like an adult” like the willful destruction of someone else’s property. I know that her Dad is forbidding her to continue with the show - but get your grown ass out of the house and it won’t be a problem. I am however cutting her slack because she sees ghosts, and they talk to her cryptically and try to kill her and THAT can’t be easy.

Dex on the other hand, I am not feeling like cutting any slack. He’s 32. He’s old enough to know better; and he’s selfishly playing both Perry and his live-in girlfriend Jenn – and people are getting hurt. His reasoning doesn’t matter. He’s simply too old to – if not have his shit together – be so self-involved that he doesn’t consider the potential consequences of his actions. In this episode the inappropriate flirting continues and careens well over the line into inappropriate behavior. Of course, Perry expects him to leave Jenn – which doesn’t seem to be happening. She excuses her own behavior with the belief that Dex really doesn’t want to be with Jenn and isn’t happy…however again, grown adults can generally figure shit out – it’s not like they’ve been married for years and have their finances and all other aspects of their lives intertwined.

Aside from lots of flirting and inappropriate sexy times, Dex and Perry also succumb to the atmosphere of the island and there are lots of moments of suspicion, distrust and outright animosity towards each other as the spirits of the island pit them against each other. We learn a bit more about each of them – in terms of Perry’s abilities and both their pasts.

As Dex says about the anonymous internet posters insulting Perry on the show’s blog (calling her fat, ugly and talentless; FYI – we also get confirmation that her weight problem is in her head); “Haters gonna hate” – and Experiment in Terror is becoming a pretty addictive series with the couple you (or at least I) love to hate.