A review by thepurplegiraffe
Walking on Hidden Wings by Rachel Scott McDaniel


rachel scott mcdaniel you've done it again πŸ‘

McDaniel became one of my auto-read authors last year, and this was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024 (guess what? I LOVED IT) Packed with McDaniel's signature banter and tenderness, with a twisty plot that had me like 🀯😱😍 a few times, it's a gorgeous story of faith and forgiveness.

Geneva was such a joy to follow, I just want good things for her always. She's so plucky and capable and iconic, but is also working through the heavy load of learning to forgive yourself for things that weren't your fault. Warren had to grow on me but by the end I was SUCH a softie for their relationship. (and their banter?? swoon!!) The themes of forgiveness and trusting God through hardship were beautiful!

The main characters are married early in the story, so a lot of their flirting could toe a line of "too much" for my strictly-clean friends (it had me blushing a few times haha) but there's nothing explicit shown on page! Just something to be aware of. πŸ‘

Rachel remains one of my faves. I can't wait to see what she's got in store next! 5 stars from me!

**I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.**

(sidenote we're not going to talk about the fact that Taylor Swift's "How Did It End?" was playing as I wrote this review and it's so perfect for the beginning of this novel and I am Not Okay 😩)