A review by readingpicnic
Taproot by Keezy Young


The art is very beautiful, but the story was not very good and felt very rushed. It felt like there were no actual stakes in the story and that there wasn't enough time given to developing the relationship between Blue and Hamal for me to have an emotional investment in them. 
There was a weird little time skip between the Reaper telling Hamal that he had to make up for making an imbalance of life and then suddenly he was at Blue's grave putting a plant heart in his chest with no explanation?? I was sooo confused how we got to that point or how that was the solution, and then it didn't even matter because Blue was alive again by the next page. It was like Cemetery Boys if random chapters and passages were cut out, leaving behind fractions of the story (I liked Cemetery Boys). The excuse that the Reaper brought Blue back to life because she thought they were a cute couple felt too easy and cliche, especially since the main conflict of the story was Hamal using his powers to help flowers grow, apparently causing a huge imbalance, but bringing a whole human back to life is fine? Okay. Then it felt like it was dragging quite a bit at the end just to show a scene of them being together as a human couple.
I still liked the author's mission of creating the representation that they didn't get to see as a child, and I loved the art style dearly. The full page spread where Blue was filled with plant life was my favorite. 

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