A review by georgina_bawden
The Rosewater Redemption by Tade Thompson


A really satisfying conclusion to the trilogy.

I loved how it dug into the parallels with colonialism in Nigeria, I loved the mechanics of the xenosphere, I loved the weird and wonderful alien creatures. I loved how we set up the delicate balance that is the city of Rosewater in book one and then by book three have proceeded to completely smash that balance and show us the inevitable results.

There are characters and relationships here that I bought into more than others. I like Aminat but in this book she often failed to come alive for me the way she did in book two. I've always found Kaaro hard to warm to (or rather I find his misogyny hard to get past), but this book stripped layers and gave us an alternative point of view on him. Oyin Da is really intriguing and it was great to get more of her here. My favourite characters and relationships are Jack Jacques and Lora, and Femi.

This series has been a lot of fun - the plotting is great and it is truly inventive.