A review by webz
Destined by Aprilynne Pike


You know you've read a good book when after you finish reading a book you say "wow". That's what I said to myself right when I closed this book. "WOW". Reading this series has been.....interesting. I ALMOST gave up on the series after finishing the second book because...well I really didn't like the second book because I thought that when Laurel chose David it would be for forever and that would be that. Tamani would live the rest of his life doing...whatever after getting his heart broken and Laurel would be oh so happy being with David in the human world. In the third book I find out that Tamani actually DIDN'T give up on Laurel and that revived my interest in the series again. So from the very beginning of this book there's so much ACTION and suspense that I felt like I was reading the END of the book, not the beginning! It was kinda weird, but I think it was appropriate since this IS the last book. I've got to admit I was so GLAD when Laurel finally and totally chose Tamani! I really didn't think that would happen! But it's really weird to find out who David ends up being with and who Chelsea......oh and the chose David made! Why would you ever choose to *mutters the spoiler under breath and struggles to stay silent* I hope I didn't put any spoilers in! All I can say is if you're asking yourself if you should read this book (after reading the other books of course) then just know that everything plays out, things are revealed, and that this book really is an appropriate ending to the series!