A review by kaydanielsromance
Sweet Like Poison by Julia Wolf


I had a major girl crush on Helen and seriously didn't think anyone could top it...Elena blew that crush away!! I LOVE when I get the opportunity to crawl inside the mind of a previous villain and truly get to see what makes them tick. Elena is fierce, brilliant, her own knight in shining armor, and I love how hard she loves those closest to her. I'm so happy she got her own story and Lachlan is the perfect man to stand by her side.

Up until the this point, Lachlan or Lock to his friends, has been a bit of a mystery. Not because he wasn't in the previous books, but mainly because he is just this big guy who prefers silence over filling quiet with needless talking. I loved his intensity everytime he was in the room, but I also loved that we didn't know much about his past or really where he always disappeared to. This layer of mystery only added to the storyline and Lachlan's overall persona.

Elena and Lachlan, I wouldn't call them enemies, but I also wouldn't call them friends. They both congregate in the same circle of friends, which puts them together a lot, but really until the two end up spending more time together their junior year, which leads to more...alone activities....let's just say before that you wouldn't have seen them hanging out in the past.

Once they spend more time together, it becomes obvious that they are more alike than they ever realized, but are their futures really going to end up in the same spot? Does spending all this time together really mean anything in the long run, or is it just fun for the here and now?

There is huge growth and character development throughout this book. I can't stop turning pages not only for characters falling in love, but for this very reason right here. When characters learn and become better people I fall in love with the story even harder. But let's walk through just some of it because hellooooooo...Elena wasn't the nicest person in the past. She is very aware of who she was, who she is, and who she wants to become. Lachlan is in the same boat, but his is much more subtle. He wasn't the villain before, but his goodness is so good that being with someone like Elena, who can not only take care of herself, but can also take care of others, throws him off his game. Lachlan is a fixer by nature and when he can't always fix her he is stumped. His personal growth just within his own wheelhouse is frustrating at times, but trying to fix a damsel that isn't in distress is something he has to learn if he truly wants to be with his ice queen.

Sweet Like Poison is super hot, who knew that the quiet, giant Lock was so intense? It also deals with some darker content, but Elena isn't a woman who goes away quietly. Just remember how she always stepped up for her roommates in the past, that girl is why I have a new serious crush to love and fawn over. 

Great story, lots of passion, and a fantastic epilogue!!