A review by anotherhalima
Hell Fae Commander by J.R. Thorn, Lexi C. Foss


i guess i remembered the series.

anyway most of what i said before still stand. the only thing is i don’t think i like az. he’s kinda creepy tbh. the only reason she thinks he’s not is bec she thinks he’s hot. actually they all are except ajax. i think he’s the only one that didn’t do anything weird off the bat. this time around melek came off nicer? like he was not with lucy”s bs. he also helped but then also lied… idk the three oldest are definitely creepy. if you take in the fact that ajax was in his mid to early twenties when he started an intense bdsm sexual relationship with az after a traumatic incident you see how truly creepy az is. also lucy and melek treat ajax more like a child than cami which is so weird. idk idk that ending though? my goodness i worry about ajax more than cami sometimes. 

i skipped most of the smut and the repetitive stuff upon this reread. i just basically wish cami had more oomph to her. all the guys have these detailed back stories and hers is like my parents are bad parents. if she had been a bit older i feel like she could’ve had more interesting life. maybe travel? something other than i studied polisci. it’s like in what world behind a third/fourth uni student make qualified to be good at reading lucy’s contracts? 

lastly i hate the focus on height difference. not bec i don’t think short women shouldn’t be with tall men but a) it’s over done b) the alignments the authors use never work. chest to chest? no more like abdomen to chest.   idk i feel like authors don’t know what six feet actually looks like. i say this as a six two woman with a best friend that’s a foot shorter. the smut just gets confusing and hard to enjoy that’s all.

ngl not much happened world building wise or magic building wise. it mostly relationship related. i didn’t get the intense groveling i wanted but we will see. that is if i remember this series at the end the year when next book comes out. 

i keep saying the smut is dramatic bec it seems they only talk about how they feel for each only when they are heated for each other. 

low key feel bamboozled bec i was promised a bad ass mfc. i am yet to see it. these men are so much more powerful it leaves no room for her. she gets some “training” and i thought yay finally she’ll be unstoppable but nope. the training they gave her was ass and we fast forward most of it.

i still hate lucy and melek so there’s that. az in kinda growing on me but he is too aggressive. i like ajax. he’s redeemed himself in my eyes.

so far every single book in this universe has kidnapping. claire gets kidnapped. gina was running for her life until she got kidnapped and drugged(gina was the most capable mfc in this universe so far imo but that alpha dude was SCARY). aflora gets noncon mated and kidnapped. what a mess.