A review by nbwalks
Everneath by Brodi Ashton


Actual Rating: 4.5

This is one of the best mythology books I have ever read! It wasn't perfect but it was pretty close.

Brodi Ashton was capable of making each page ooze emotion. Whatever Nikki was feeling, I was able to feel. When she was happy, I was happy. Etc. Etc. But the worst emotion to have felt from her was her emptiness. (So I guess that is actually a lack of emotion but whatever) It was really intense and it kind of brought me down but in a good way if that makes sense. I thought this was pretty cool since the whole novel is basically about emotions and being able to feel them brought the reading experience to a whole new level.

I loved the mystery! At first I was getting frustrated since I wanted to know what Cole was hiding and why Jack&Nikki were now Jack and Nikki. So many questions kept popping up and when an answer or two were given, all they did was produce more questions! I didn't like it at first but it kept me intrigued (Which I guess was the point...).

I also liked how it switched between the present and the past every so often. I liked being able to see Nikki when she was whole with her emotions and actually felt her pain. It showed how much she lost which makes the reader sympathize her.

At first I was iffy on my feelings towards Jack. I never fully trusted him in the beginning because of all the mystery surrounding what he did to Nikki that made her not want to feel. He was also described as a typical first-string QB who has basically dated the whole cheerleading squad which did not help his cause. But then, as we finally got to know him, I think I have found a new book boyfriend! He became the sweetest thing ever to the point where it was like I was meeting a less intense version of Peeta (I don't think any guy can take Peeta's spot on my list as the sweetest boy ever). The great thing about the relationship between Nik and Jack was that it didn't feel rushed since they had a history. The flashbacks helped build their relationship which made it more genuine.

As for Cole, I still have mixed feelings about him. I want to hate him for what he did to Nik but I can't...He has that whole broken-bad-boy thing going on which, sadly, I am a sucker for. His vulnerable moments were my favorite and I couldn't help feeling sorry him (I mean the boy doesn't even have a heart!! How can you not empathize that??) You could also tell that he somehow has at least some feelings for Nikki despite the fact that he says he can't feel. Poor boy is probably confused and doesn't know how to deal with things so he brings out his snarky side.

I was also tricked by this author! I believed that the guitar was Cole's heart!!
SpoilerI had no idea that it was really the pick! I started having suspicions that it wasn't the guitar but I never figured out what it was until Cole pulled it out of his pocket!!
Bravo Ashton for actually catching me off guard!!

What could have made it a perfect 5:
I would have liked to see some more development for the subordinate characters. I barely know Jules. I only know that she feels hurt or betrayed or something by Nikki but I don't really know why. I just know the basics, and since the relationship between the two wasn't developed, the detail felt insignificant since something was missing.
I also wanted the family relationships to be more developed since Nikki felt bad about not being able to say goodbye to her dad and Tommy when she left the last time. Her guilt made sense because of the fact that they were family but otherwise then it was empty. I didn't understand her family at all.
With the lack of the character development for subordinate characters, it was like there were only 3 people in the world. Sure they were the focus of the story, but it still needed more. We got glimpses of other characters, and some were a little more developed than others, but when the story had these interactions it felt empty.

Nikki was my other problem. She was a good protagonist but she wasn't as strong as I would have liked. It seemed like she gave up when she should have been fighting. She was stronger with Jack but I like a strong girl without needing a man that does that to her. She should have been her own hero.

The Redemption
The ending. It was perfect. It made me love Jack soooo much more and *sigh* I can't even talk about it because it made me happy and it made me depressed at the same time.

Final Point: Read it because it is one of the best mythology books out there!!!!