A review by britterization
Bookburners by Mur Lafferty, Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap, Brian Francis Slattery


I picked up Bookburners because I needed a huge paperback, and I was kind of intrigued by the format - the series is released serially as episodes contained in a season. As such, it was a bit like reading a TV show, but as I enjoy TV, I didn't find that to be a bad thing at all. I actually really like the format because it allowed me to read and episode or 2, and then put the book down and not return to it for a few weeks (because OTHER BOOKS) and be fine picking right up where you left off.

The Bookburners are a bit of a secret society/demon & book retrieval team housed at the Vatican, and at first, the church stuff was off putting (if you want me to run screaming from a book, just say the word "angels"), but overall, the series does a pretty decent job of not jumping too far down the churchy rabbit hole.

The authors did a really good job of keeping the tone and writing style consistent - it was pretty impressive, actually. Still, I did have my favorite episodes, and most of them were written by Margaret Dunlop. Hers tended to be the most madcap and whimsical.

Overall, there was a lot of fun to be had here, and I'll be purchasing the second season. I think I'll listen to it on long runs. 3 stars - I liked it!