A review by ishouldbewriting
Game of Strength and Storm by Rachel Menard


I received this through NetGalley and thoroughly enjoyed this book, rating it at a strong 4.5. It features two badass women being pulled by strong motivations that they crave so desperately, they're willing to complete insane tasks set by the Emperesses to earn. They both want nothing more than to win and change their lives forever, and the author does a great job of making that very damn hard to do while also making it really entertaining. I love both of these characters and was hard-pressed to decide who I was rooting for to win. Both characters held true to their motivations and values to the very end, though without going into details, there was a strong potential for growth on the part of one character that gets shut down at the very end, but she did still have plenty of character growth in other ways. Plus, killing that bit of growth helped push toward a sequel, so there's plenty of room to keep growing.