A review by _thereadingspot
Rachel by Serena Akeroyd


What an ending to a series!! The Dark and Dirty Sinners MC series will always be one of my absolute favourite series ever and I was so sad that Rachel would be the end, but Serena gave us a story that was more than fitting for the last chapter of this series.

Now, what to say without giving away any spoilers…

Anyone who has read any of the previous books will know how perfect Rex and Rachel are for each other. As much as I love Rachel for her hard arse, take no prisoners attitude I also loved that in these last two books we got to experience a softer side to her and see her vulnerabilities. Coming to terms with her past and looking towards her exciting future Rachel (and Rex) has come so far and you can’t help but be happy and excited for her and what else the future will hold for them both.

There is one chapter that I definitely need more of! I know there is a next generation series planned and I cannot wait to see if this will be expanded on – pretty please with a cherry on top Serena!

Rachel is part of a duet and you will need to read Rex before diving in but it is more than worth it!!