A review by vcods
The Place Where the Harmonium Was by Kyung-sook Shin


(The title of this book is misspelled! It is Harmonium, not Harminum!)

if you have read Kyung-sook Shin's most famous work, Please Look After Mom (엄마를 부탁해), then the themes of this short story will be very familiar.

It is a semi - epistolary story with the narrator writing a letter of explanation to her married lover about why she cannot keep their promise to run away together. She reflects back on the women in her own life who have been left or caused the leaving as she makes her decision.

I found this story very well written and completely matching the mindset of a mistress in turmoil about her her own decisions. I very much enjoyed it!

Merged review:

if you have read Kyung-sook Shin's most famous work, Please Look After Mom (엄마를 부탁해), then the themes of this short story will be very familiar.

It is a semi - epistolary story with the narrator writing a letter of explaination to her married lover about why she cannot keep their promise to run away together. She reflects back on the women in her own life who have been left or caused the leaving as she makes her descision.

I found this story very well written and completely matching the mindset of a mistress in turmoil the ver her own descisions. I very much enjoyed it.