A review by a_h_haga
Agatha Heterodyne and the Beetleburg Clank by Phil Foglio



Ok, so this review needs some backstory.
I discovered Girl Genius on a con in England for around 8 years ago. It got mentioned during the Steampunk-panel, and I thought I might give it a look. The holder of the panel also mentioned some other webcomics that were steampunk, but I could never remember them. The only one that stuck with me, was Girl Genius, and I started reading the comic the next week and have been reading it ever since.

When I created this account, I added the series as far as I'd read it with no more thought to it. At the time, I'd read the whole comic 3 times, and I've wanted to reread it many time since, but the series has grown reeaaaaalllllllyyyyyy long, and I didn't feel like reading it on the computer. So I wanted to read the actual comic books, but I didn't really have enough money to start buying the series. When I finally did get some extra cash, there wasn't really a question what I wanted to allow myself as a celebration, and so I finally got around to buying the whole series.
Unfortunately, it turned out that book 1 was out of production. Lucky enough, I found it on Amazon, and now, here we are.

So, what are my thoughts on this first album?
Reviewing it without thinking about the rest of the series is hard, but I will try.
This one volume is kind of a mess. Agatha goes through a big change that might have annoyed me a little without the knowledge I have about it, or at least confused me.
The story is clearly the beginning of an adventure, trying to introduce characters and the world, which I think it does well.
The art, on the other hand, isn't all that good.
Or, that's wrong. The art is good, but seeing as it is in black and white, it all looks rather messy. It was a disappointment to learn that vol 1 was black/white, but I am glad that the rest of the series is not, and am really looking forward to reading on!

More reviews to come