A review by balletbookworm
The Art of Duke Hunting by Sophia Nash


WTF is up with this "bad gateway" you've been throwing up Goodreads?? I wrote a killer review and your 501 error just ate it.

So, in short, I liked the book. I think the Royal Entourage series has a great set-up stemming from one crazy night of overindulgence. I, unfortunately started with the wrong book in the series, and by the time I realized I had book 2, not book 1, I was too far to stop. I believe there will be six in this series eventually.

Roman and Esme's romance is both sweet (how they both actually care about one another, despite actual appearances) and disturbing (Roman's jealousy; though, in all seriousness I thought
SpoilerTopher was gay because all the women felt rather safe around him, but I guess he was merely waiting to retire before scoring a lady?

Love all the duck/duke humor. Who knew Regency England was so full of duck paraphernalia?

I only have one quibble with the plot (OK, two)
1. The twist at the end of the book where
Spoilerit is revealed that Roman is, in fact, not the son of the 16th duke but that of an Italian sculptor is pointless. Worse, it detracts from Roman's ability to overcome his fear/superstition and live out his live despite his notorious family history. It makes the entire I-sailed-a-yacht-through-a-storm-to-rescue-my-wife-despite-the-curse feeling of triumph dead in the water
2. And speaking of the Norwich curse how did
Spoilerthe original "witch" actually have legitimate children? I was assuming that her accusation/death came very close on her refusal of Norwish I's offer making it less likely that she had children at all. So that would make Esme less of a granddaughter and more of a niece/cousin of some type. So the "direct descendant" business doesn't quite make sense to me. Also, it's an unneccessary plot point because by the time it's revealed he's already learned his true parentage)