A review by bobsvoid
Crave Me by M. Robinson


I rode the high for as long as I could remember. I had been so far up that there was nowhere left for me to go but straight to the bottom. All I wanted was to drown out the feeling of my entire body caving in on me. Sooth the ache, throw fire on the chill, and ease the nausea.
The only thing I could do to feel as if I wasn't dying was...
To kill myself a little more.

Most people think finding the love of their lives is the hardest part. You can spend years of your life waiting and searching for the other half of your heart. Nothing seems right until you finally lay eyes on them everything seems to click into place. You find your home, your person. Your past is irrelevant because somehow you've been blessed with the other half of you.

People who've been in love know it gets harder. Love should be easy and sometimes for people it is. Some people are blessed with a partner that don't make it difficult to love. Then there are people who are more challenging. Loving them takes work, but it always seems worth it. But when can love be dangerous? When can loving someone be the worse option possible?

Crave Me is the final installment in the series. It follows the final boy in the group Austin. We meet him in the first three books and he can't help but catch your eye. He's my favorite boy in the whole group because of how delicate he is. Looking at him you'd never think so, but he is. His story was more than just about romance. It's about proving how addiction is truly a disease. It's about two people learning that they must make the right choices for themselves first.

"You're addicted to drugs, Austin." She shrugged, her voice breaking. "And I'm addicted to you."
Looking deep into my eyes she spoke with conviction,
"And our love is just as fucking toxic."

Briggs has spent most of her life without affection. She's a Martinez and that name means more than any can ever grasp. She's an orphan who's looking for her way home. She's lost a part of herself from her childhood and she's not sure if she'll ever get it back. But at nearly twenty she catches the eyes of a beautiful man. A man who has sadness in his eyes that matches hers.

The youngest boy in the Good Ol' Boys group, Austin is constantly trying to find his place. Everybody seems to know where they belong but him. One mistake at eighteen changes his life for the worst. He slowly becomes a vagabond in the search of his place in this world. He spots a beautiful girl with purple hair and tattoos that makes his heart stop. Seeing her opens his heart. The connection is palpable and while it surprises him he can't escape the pull.

Love is complicated and messy. It only gets messier when two people don't know who they are yet. Falling in love is a beautiful thing, but it can be dangerous. Love can be enabling without meaning to. Love can be making excuses for someone even if the intentions are good. Love can be the downfall of two people who are meant to be together. Crave Me is a great book that shows readers the highs and lows of love and addiction.

Once upon a time, I tried to find my independence, and somewhere along the way, I found solace in the haze of dependency, which was what led me to this place in time.