A review by davehershey
Almost Everything: Notes on Hope by Anne Lamott


Anne Lamott's book Traveling Mercies has been one of my favorites for a long time (Philosophy of Religion class at Penn State, circa 2001). I've only read one of her other books and it wasn't as good as Traveling Mercies; I just remember it being too political and she complained about Bush a lot. But when my wife got this one out of the library, I was curious. Then my wife sent me a quote from one of the pages that would help in something I was working on. So I gave it a shot.

Lamott is a still a great writer. Her essays aren't as heady as Marilynne Robinson, but they are a joy to read. That said, I just couldn't get into this book. Something just didn't connect. I feel like George Costanza on Seinfeld, "Its not you, its me!" There were still nuggets of wisdom every now and then. The chapter where she talked about her alcoholic friend and realizing she can't really help was the highlight of the book, depressing as it was. But overall, I just couldn't get into it.

But the quote my wife sent me, yeah, that will be showing up in my sermon on Sunday. It was literally on the last page of the book!