A review by romankurys
Han Solo's Revenge by Brian Daley


Quick and fun read.
Get to know Han Solo a bit more and get a glimpse into what his life is like outside of the main books/movies.

Overall it was a good read, kind of a space cowboy detective theme, although the ending felt too rushed.

I have never really understood why Han Solo is as popular a character as he is. Personally, he never interested me all that much and the only reason I'm reading the original trilogy is to satisfy my own curiosity and see how it all started, as these are some of the first Star Wars books ever written.

Personally I'd prefer a more dark side focus in the story, or some more Authority point of view, but alas that's the Sith in me :)

Overall, it was a decent read. Definitely gonna finish up the trilogy. If you like Star Wars, it's a great glimpse of where it all started before Disney had to go ahead and mess it up...(pun intended)
