A review by booknerd315
The Adoption by Jenna Kernan


Thank you Netgalley for an arc in exchange for my honest opinion. The Adoption is set to hit shelves on May 11!

First off, I love thrillers so when I saw this synopsis I figured that this would be the perfect book for me to enjoy, Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this book at all.

This is a very slow starting book and so repetitive that I was really turned off by this book. The immensely long chapters paired with the repetition really drove it home that I was going to struggle with this book. Due to this, I couldn't appreciate the twists because I never got a chance to connect with the characters. It almost felt like the author needed to hit a certain word count so she would add in extra random sentences.

I guess I'm not the reader for this book unfortunately but I'm sure other people may resonate better than I did.