A review by magencorrie
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake


4.5 stars

My Thoughts

Anna Dressed in Blood was beautifully written, extremely creepy, and completely consuming. I honestly didn't know what to expect when I picked up this one. Yes, a bunch of things that go bump in the night, but that was about all I expected. There were definitely a lot of things that go bump in the night in this book, but, oh, it was so much more than that.

Blake created a wonderful world filled with ghosts, ghouls, and magic. Her story was beautifully told that left a chill creeping up my spin. I’m going to be honest, this book did feel a lot like the TV series Supernatural (Amazing show by the way). But, I didn't really care about that, Blake definitely made it feel like her own. Once I picked up this book, I couldn't put it down!

Cas was the perfect male POV to read from. And being inside of his head was an experience I would love to do over and over again. He was just cocky enough without being annoying and also just the right amount of bad ass to make me fall in love with him. I also found that he would rather be around dead people than live ones, well, quite amusing. But despite the weight of all that Cas has to carry, I found him quite the endearing guy.

Now, Anna Dressed In Blood is not your typical love story. Oh no! So, when Anna came into the picture I knew this wasn't what I was expecting. Anna definitely turned a 180 in the book, and even though she doesn't come off as a typical love interest, she proves herself in the end. I enjoyed her because of what she went through and, despite it all, she was a good person. Dead or not. She’s smart and selfless.

There are very interesting characters in this book. Some I really did enjoy! But what made this book amazing was the creepy nonliving creatures in the book! It brought a very unique diversity to Blake’s world.

The action scenes were also really amazing. They kept me glued to the pages reading and soaking up each and every word. They were scary, creepy, and fun! The mystery is also well-played throughout the book. I honestly couldn't figure out what was going to happen. That brought in a very nice creepy factor. One I really enjoyed.

Anna Dressed In Blood completely took my breath away. It was an intense, gory, creepy, sad, fun, and emotional read. Filled to the brim with amazingness. Blake’s writing is intense as it is humorous. I never really thought I would love this book as much as I do. But I do love this book so much!

I'm so glad I picked this one up and I cannot wait to get lost in the next book! And I definitely recommend it for those who love a good, emotional, yet creepy read. One with an unexpected love twist.