A review by aventadistrict
The Godbreaker by Mike Brooks


possibly closer to a 3.5? i'm really happy that the author didn't stumble too hard and was able to pull together almost all of the plot elements and wind down really well into a finale that was... like... i think it's anti-climactic and i don't know if i found it all personally satisfying (besides saana's general arc). but it's extremely true to the themes of the series, a very fitting end, and i just love to see how well the author conveyed what he wanted these books to convey. it's good!

with one glaring, unfortunate exception -
Spoilerjeya and bulang's plot can 100% be skipped entirely with no bearing on the rest of the book. as soon as i got to the monkey-catching chapter i realised this was total filler and i feel very bad about it because i think the boat was missed here (probably literally) in book 1 or 2 to make them relevant to the overarching plot and once it got down to brass tacks there was no way to work them back in...... it's tragic bc this plot started off strong in book 1 and i really enjoyed the alaban worldbuilding. i kind of wish there isn't a fourth book bc the lost potential here that could've been unleashed if this wasn't a planned trilogy is so depressing