A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood


Somehow I had never heard about this movie or this book until about a year ago. Someone showed me this movie on Netflix and it was love at first sight. It was not as emotional for me as she had thought it would be, because I mostly took the positive and the beauty out of it, but it did really make me curious to read the book and the story that had started it.

And a couple of weeks ago I finally got the book in a bookswap. And it was the perfect book to read on this rainy and stormy day in the middle of summer.

I was quite surprised by the easy and nicely flowing writing style of this book. Somehow I had expected this to be more "adult literature" and therefore not as easy as the YA books I'm used to, but I was wrong. The language fits the characters and the story and I flew through the story and only started to read faster and faster towards the end.

And even though I already knew the plot and where it would go, although you never know with Hollywood of course, I felt the excitement of the search and the rescue party rushing through my veins. In the book it really seems to last pages and chapters and almost half the book and it's quite thrilling, especially because the story also keeps the reader waiting for the true ending of the story for even more chapters.

The thrill was also partly because of the bond I had formed with Tess. Through the switching point of views, mostly between Charlie's en Tess', it was easy to grow attached to both of them. Not only was I actively crossing all fingers and toes for Charlie to finally find his happiness, I was doing the very same for Tess. It's a relatively short book and yet it felt like we really got to know the characters and their little tics.

And just like the movie, this book was also not as emotional as I would have expected, although I was prepared this time, but it was a very nice and satisfying read.