A review by spookyfaith
Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation by Kristin Kobes Du Mez

challenging dark emotional informative sad medium-paced


holy shit I don’t have the words to describe this book. I had been waiting for months for it to release and wow was it worth the wait. 
this is absolutely required reading for anyone who grew up evangelical, whether you’re deconstructing or not. it goes into the historical details of how American evangelicalism was shaped by toxic masculinity and white nationalism. it explains how politics, capitalism, and modern culture have created the version of Christianity we know today, in America. 
I knew so much of Christian theology stemmed from conservative politics, power, and abuse but I had no idea the horrific depths it went to. the people that have made evangelicalism what it is today did so out of the desire for power and selfish ambition, and as a result, thousands of individuals are now the victims of abuse of many kinds, (myself included.) 
bad things don’t just happen in churches; they are primed to happen. the abuse, racism, homophobia, and the “othering” of all non white, cishet men is the direct result of the culture and theology we have built. abuse is the natural consequence of a theology based on militantancy, toxic masculinity, and complementarianism. once we can recognize how much of our beliefs don’t actually stem from the Bible, but rather from relatively new interpretations of scripture and a lot of cultural baggage. 
If you read one book this year, make it this one. 

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